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The Impermanence of Magic

[TLDR - Vixen: The Goblin and the Fox will soon be leaving Kindle Unlimited. If you want to read it for free HERE! Have fun :)]

In this modern era, we are so spoiled that it has become hard to perceive a world where our daily necessities no longer exist. 30 years ago trying to organise an outing without a group chat would now seem impossible.

30 years before that you would have to toil through libraries to find even the most common of information. Look back nearly 90 years and everything we take for granted now; Amazon shopping, worldwide connections, medicinal drugs, and spices would seem supernatural to the casual 1910's observer. Our phones would seem like magic to them.

Of course, this is quite hyperbole. We do treasure what we have and when the internet slows down and the light flicker, we cherish those moments even more.

But I want to focus on availability. The idea that we have the world literally in our pockets. We can say hello to someone in China and look up the journals of dead philosophers on Wikipedia.

For indie authors like myself, where anyone and everyone can publish a book on Amazon and be entered into the great literary dogfight, it's both amazing and terrible at what we can accomplish.

Amazon, despite it being the secret evil superpower intent on conquering the moon (and subsequent planets) has given a lot of ease to the self-published community---there is also some bad. You can earn a decent commission and print your books with ease. But in trade, you must be their slave and be bound to their whims.

With my new book Epilogue of a Storyteller, I will be hoping to publish elsewhere in hopes of getting my novella on the shelves of bookshops across the world. And I want Vixen to follow suit.

And so I sadly announce that Vixen: The Goblin and the Fox will be leaving the capable hands of Amazon and will soon be available everywhere.

If you would like to read Vixen 1 for free, you can do so through Kindle Unlimited. But be warned, it will only be available till July 31st. By then however I hope to have stolen your attention to my new Novella - The Epilogue of a Storyteller, coming out on July 15th!


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